Tight security, many arrests for Ethiopian Irreecha festival

Hundreds of people were arrested ahead of the festival, some accused by authorities of plotting terror attacks and a new wave of unrest. Wearing face masks and white clothes stitched with the colors of the Oromia region’s flag, people in downtown Addis Ababa were subjected to at least six security checks complete with body searchesContinue reading “Tight security, many arrests for Ethiopian Irreecha festival”

Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group holds scaled-back thanksgiving festivalOctober 3, 2020 by Robbie COREY-BOULET Members of Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group gathered Saturday under heavy security in Addis Ababa for a scaled-back version of their annual thanksgiving festival against a backdrop of unrest and political division.Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government said it was restricting attendance for theContinue reading

Ethiopia’s PM Abiy Ahmed loses his shine

A year on from his Nobel peace prize, critics accuse Abiy Ahmed’s government of an authoritarian shift. The prime minister’s failure to foster peace at home threatens to tarnish his international posterchild image | Michael Tewelde/AFP via Getty Images ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Last fall, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia stood in Oslo’s CityContinue reading “Ethiopia’s PM Abiy Ahmed loses his shine”

Koroonaa Vaayrasiin Kun dhibee Salphaa miti Salphisnee laaluun gaarii miti.

Ummatni keenya Dhibee Koronaa kana salphisnee laaluun gaarii miti. Mallattooleen dhibee Koroonaa tokko tokko jalqaba irrati dhibee akka qufaa, alarjii fi kkf waliin yoo walfakkatelleaddeemsa keessatiti fi safisaan miidhaan inni lubbuu namaa gaaga’uu fi tamsa’u dhibee kana hamaa fi adda kan godhuudha. Dhibeen kun addunyaa irra wal gahuun biyyoota diinaagdee fi teeknooloojii dhaan guddataniis taheeContinue reading “Koroonaa Vaayrasiin Kun dhibee Salphaa miti Salphisnee laaluun gaarii miti.”

የ2020በጎ ሰዉ

የዘንድሮ (2012ዓ.ም.) የበጎ ሰው ልዩ ሽልማት አሸናፊዎች ስምንት ሲሆኑአራቱን እነሆ1) አቶ ካሊድ ናስርባለፉት አምስት ወራት በኮቪድ 19 ኮሮና ቫይረስ ምክንያት የገዛ መኖሪያግቢያቸውን ሳይቀር በመስጠት፣ መጠለያ የሌላቸውን በመደገፍ የበጎ አድራጎትሥራ የሠሩ፤2) አቶ ኪሮስ አስፋው ፡ላለፉት ዘጠኝ ዓመታት ያለማቋረጥ መቶ ጊዜ የሕዳሴ ግድብ ቦንድ የገዙ፤3) ቢኒያም ከበደ ፡የንባብ ለሕይወት መሥራች አዘጋጆች አንዱ እንዲሁም የኢትዮጵያ ልጆችቴሌቭዥን መሥራች፤4) መሀመድContinue reading “የ2020በጎ ሰዉ”


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